Oakville Rangers Minor Midget AA Hockey Club |
Team News Dec 15 Hope everyone’s drive was OK last night – there’s nothing like the 401 in the rain. Yuk! You can all buy me a drink – I have taken the liberty of postponing tonight’s BTNL session to Jan. 7 so the boys can have an evening off! You’re welcome!! This week’s reminders: Monday, Dec. 15 – BTNL cancelled (which is good because I’ve just gotten three e-mails from parents saying their players won’t be there) Tuesday, Dec. 16 – practice, 6-6:50pm, JC-Red Wednesday, Dec. 17 – road game vs Orangeville, 9:15pm, Tony Rose-A Friday, Dec. 19 – home game vs Milton, 8:30pm, RO-B Saturday, Dec. 20 – practice, 8:30-9:20pm, RO-B Look ahead: Sunday, Dec. 21 – practice, 9:10-10:50-GA-B – shared with AE – waiting to hear from coaches on division of ice time; will let you know asap. Tuesday, Dec. 23 – road game vs St. Catharines, 8:15pm, SP Richard Bell – I’ll update the sked on the teamoakville.com website today with game times for us and FoPS. Richard Bell update – everyone please read this as there’s lots of necessary info. The Finnish team arrives on Boxing Day, Dec. 26, at around 6:30pm (note that I said 7pm earlier – sorry). We are to meet the players/parents/coaches at the Holiday Inn Select on WYECROFT ROAD (not Argus Road as indicated earlier!) for a brief meet and greet/reception. I’m told everyone says hello, figures out who goes with whom and then gets the heck out of there! All three teams – AA, A and AE will be there as all three are hosting visiting foreign teams. I’m waiting to hear back to confirm whether all families should attend or just those taking billets – will keep you posted. I expect the Finnish boys will be tired and will be happy to eat, play video games and just relax. No need for entertainment that evening. And, the Finnish team has an exhibition game vs the Mississauga Terriers at Erin Mills Arena (3205 Unity Dr.) at 10am on Dec. 27. Boys are to be at the rink at 8:45am, and we are to get them there. There’s lots of opportunity for car pooling here – Christine Cece will need driving help as she’s taking six billets and can’t fit that may boys and hockey bags in her car, so if you don’t have billets please offer your assistance. Those driving to Mississauga can do the dump and run or bring our boys and stay and watch the game (as if they’re going to get up that early three days in a row!). The Finnish team will be going on an outing after the game – on a bus, with their parents and coaches. We are to pick them up at 3:45pm at the Holiday Inn on Wyecroft and then they’re ours for the evening. Important: Do we want to arrange something for the boys that evening, the 27th? Maybe just supper at Arnolds (not MY house, the sports bar off Dorval!) or Boston Pizza? It’ll be an early evening because the Finnish boys will have had a long day and we all play at 8:30am the next day, but this would get all the boys together for a bit and involve those who aren’t taking billets. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions. Thanks. Here is the billeting list and the e-mail addresses for the Finnish boys – and here’s the link to the team photo and names so you can figure out who’s who: http://fops93.sporttisaitti.com/team/ (back row, middle row, front row - Kokotailo x 2 Ahlgren Nico Kukkonen Sami
Germano x 2 Ali-Yrkko Juho Vuori Jasu
Camilleri x 2 Jokela Teemu (captain) Lintukorpi Tomi
Wilhelm x 2 Maki Aku Siro Joni (goalie)
Raycroft/McLaughlin x 2 Jarvi Markus Suontausta Santeri (goalie)
Cece x 6 (with support from Runciman, McLaughlin and Gillis!) Hallamaa Kare Holmqvist Aleksi Menna Saku Jaakkkola Valtteri (alternate captain) Koskivuori Niko Valkki Saku
Arnold x 3 Timonen Miska Alho Hannu Yli-kahrakuusi Joni
As for convening, the Richard Bell organizers are meeting as we speak to finalize the convening lists. I’ll send final version as soon as I have it but here’s the sked so far. Runciman family please note that I added your name to the two early games on the 29th as discussed but the MOHA folks may have found people to do those games. Will let you know for sure asap. Thanks. There may be some changes – a couple of families are not on the list (due to other conflicts) so we may need to shuffle some things around a bit but if so will do so in the next day or so as we don’t want any last-minute changes. Thanks!
That’s all! Whew! -Laura.